Demographics (from gr. Demos -

Demographics (from gr. Demos - "people" and γράφω grapho - "write") is zajmujca science: life, the formation and passage of human spoecznoci, backup dei dati her description of the numerical (population growth, backup dei dati migration), structures (age, pci, competitions, narodowociow, religious), and ALSO the spatial distribution and the following factors, backup dei dati ktre influence on the changes. backup dei dati
Population itself and its group (for example, the population of the area zamieszkujca, przebywajca

population in the area during the day or night), population structure (age, full , nationality, family

abundance), population backup dei dati movements (mobility, natural population balance, net migration), and ALSO demographic backup dei dati history (eg historical vital).
To examine the demographic processes (ie, population movements) use the statistics backup dei dati reported backup dei dati data (change the law!) And others, and from them such as birth wspczynnik, wspczynnik zgonw, wspczynnik birth , wspczynnik dzietnoci, dzietno, net migration, long-life expectations, etc.. Typical of demography is ALSO graphic imaging data (eg, PCI and age pyramid).


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